The State-of-the-Art Instruments
1. Photoreactor:
Make – Asahi Spectra
2. Automated Focused 300-Watt Microwave Organic Synthesis System
3. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography with UV, Fluorescence and RI Detector
4. Gas Chromatography with TCD and FID Detectors
5. Heatless Illumination with Desired Wavelengths for Photochemical Research
6. Rotary Evaporator with Vacuum Pump and Chiller
7. High Temperature Modified Atmosphere Horizontal Tube Furnace
8. Electrochemical workstation (Autolab)
9. FT-IR
10. ICP-MS
11. Muffle Furnace
12. Polarimeter
13. Powder XRD (Bruker)
15. Vacuum Oven